Fankind Media
XR Desiger / Developer
After many years product managing & designing digital products & platforms for companies such as Disney/ABC, Fox & CBS, Jason Ungerman established Fankind Media Inc.
The interest was to focus on new kinds of interactive show opportunities and ideas, ripe for today's technologies and media consumption patterns. Jason's passion and vision around new interactive show formats and genres still remains an area of special interest and capability, however…
As Virtual Reality started becoming more viable and accessible, it increasingly became more enticing to Jason. Since childhood, he wondered if VR would become a significant reality in his lifetime. The fascinating possibilities, challenges and opportunities to create and explore truly immersive, interactive 3D frontiers was too compelling and so focus pivoted to VR/AR.
​Jason now works on bespoke VR/AR for clients, his own VR/AR app development, collaboration works and consulting.
Experiences, skills, & abilities include:
VR/AR Experience Design & Development
Interactive Product Design/Development/Management
Interactive Video (Live & VOD) Platform Design/Development/Management
User Experience Design
Brand & IP Integration
Game Development
Traditional Film & Video Production
Technical Documentation
Digital Product Marketing
Metrics & Tracking Analysis
Interactive Media Consulting
Account/Agency/3rd Party Vendor Management
New Business Development
Background At a Glance:
McGill University /
Vancouver Film School
Film & Video
Fox Interactive
Media (Labs)
CBS Interactive
Fankind Media
Film & Comm /
Film Production
Variety of Roles
(Lighting, Camera, Production...)
Team Leader &
Strategic Games Account Rep
Variety of Roles
(Design,Marketing, Management...)
Product Manager
Product Manager
Sr. Product Manager